Bad Honnef, Germany
«With the modernization, I want to secure jobs in the long term, not cut them. The goal is to create capacity and use resources differently in order to be able to offer more services for things that have been neglected so far.»
Christoph Matuschik, owner of the Süd-Apotheke

When Christoph Matuschik took over the Süd-Apotheke in Bad Honnef, the young pharmacist already had experience with a dispensing machine. It was clear to him from the start: he wanted to give his first pharmacy a modern look. Since the renovation in February 2021, an automated warehouse has supported the work and helped to live the values ​​in everyday pharmacy life that are particularly important to the entrepreneur when dealing with customers, employees and business partners.

Bad Honnef, Deutschland, Kommissionierautomat , Apostore
17.000 packs
L 5,60 m x W 1,90 m x H 3,60 m

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Choosing a pharmacy as a start-up

First and foremost, the chemistry between the pharmacist who was selling the business and Christoph Matuschik was crucial. It clicked immediately and ultimately led to the original purchase date being brought forward. Matuschik took over two months earlier. Two other factors also influenced the purchase decision. Firstly, the possibility of modernising the aging 1990s furnishings. Secondly, the business potential of the location in an owner-managed shopping centre.

«I've always found it inappropriate to have to turn around, run away and leave the customer standing there when picking out the medication. That's why I definitely wanted a dispensing machine. Otherwise you lose the opportunity to win the customer over again, even if it's just small talk. »
Christoph Matuschik, owner of the Süd-Apotheke

No running away, no waiting: closer to the customer thanks to dispensing machine

The first positive effect came right at the start of the renovation: if an employee is absent due to illness or vacation, customers can be served easily thanks to the automatic retrieval of medication - even during peak times. The dispensing machine also gives the Süd-Apotheke a lot more storage capacity. The machine, which is 3.60 meters high, 5.60 meters long and just under two meters wide, has space for up to 17,000 medication packages. The current capacity is probably 12,000 packages. The pharmacy wants to use the remaining free capacity for continuous warehouse optimization and expansion. Another advantage: storing and booking the goods saves employees a lot of time. For them, it's now just a matter of scanning, putting it down, and that's it. Matuschik adds: "And of course, many business partners and customers notice how tidy the pharmacy is: the pharmacy was previously overcrowded with umbrella stands and goods, but now it offers plenty of room to breathe."

Süd-Apotheke Bad Honnef, Deutschland, Kommissionierautomat , Apostore
«I would never have thought that customers would be so interested in the machine. The cool thing about it is that we can actively take customers to the door and say: Come on, take a look. Many people don't even know it, they just hear a barely audible whirring sound, or are surprised when we don't run away as usual. »
Christoph Matuschik, owner of the Süd-Apotheke

How did the employees react to the change?

As a young owner, Matuschik was a little afraid of it. After all, he and the twelve-person team had only met in October. In November, he informed them of his renovation plans. What he hadn't expected, however, was how excited they were about the planned changes and how much this motivated them to get started. Even though none of the employees had any previous experience with an dispensing machine, they were all very open to this modern technology. Now, they wouldn't want to be without this rather quiet employee.

Süd-Apotheke Bad Honnef, Deutschland, Kommissionierautomat , Apostore
«KNAPP Smart Solutions and their offerings immediately felt right. I was also surprised at how extremely positive the feedback from customers, employees and business partners was regarding the restructuring and automation. »
Christoph Matuschik, owner of the Süd-Apotheke

The collaboration felt right

The dispensing machine went into operation in mid-February last year. At the beginning of February, the renovation, planning and support started in cooperation with the company rheindesign. First, the equipment was dismantled, then KNAPP Smart Solutions installed the A1000 and implemented commissioning during ongoing operations. Closing the Süd-Apotheke was not possible for two reasons:  

  1. 1. Matuschik could not afford this as a start-up entrepreneur, and
  2. 2. As the owner of a pharmacy, he has a supply obligation.
Süd-Apotheke Bad Honnef, Deutschland, Kommissionierautomat , Apostore

Want to discuss your project without obligation?

Our machines are individually tailored to your pharmacy situation in terms of size, installation position, range of functions, extensions and performance - so the interaction of a wide variety of factors plays a particularly important role. There is therefore no simple formula for determining when and whether a picker is worthwhile for your pharmacy. Our consultants will examine all other aspects in dialogue with you and analyse what opportunities warehouse automation can offer you.