Deutschland, Germany, Minden
«We quickly decided to use the ApoStore because the automated warehouse offers many advantages. In addition to saving us a lot of space in our small pharmacy, Hans-Otto also saves us valuable time, which we can use for the part of our work that we like the most: contact with customers.»
Sandra Haas, owner of Stifts-Apotheke Minden

Anyone who enters the Stifts-Apotheke in Minden can look forward to competent advice – and without time pressure in a modern environment. Since the ApoStore A1000e was installed in 2023, owner Sandra Haas and her employees have been able to make full use of their time with customers. Her new employee “Hans-Otto” – that’s what the team named the machine after a survey on social media – takes care of the rest.

Hans-Otto was introduced as part of a complete renovation of the small pharmacy and now ensures a new, improved structure: Where previously various storage locations in too little space made it difficult to find the right products, ApoStore has brought order to the point of care. The goods are stored clearly and in a space-saving manner and, if necessary, dispensed directly in the sales room. This means that the storage space is used more efficiently, the team saves itself the long search and gains space in the back office.

7.130 packs
L 3,60m x H 3,10 X B 1,60m
Feeder OCR

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Optimal use of space thanks to a tailor-made solution

Dank einer Empfehlung ist Sandra Haas 2023 auf die Lösungen von ApoStore gestoßen. Die Zusammenarbeit beschreibt sie als immer wertschätzend, unkompliziert und auf Augenhöhe. Bereits nach wenigen Terminen zur Bedarfsanalyse fiel die Wahl deshalb auf den A1000e: die Räumlichkeiten der Stifts-Apotheke sind klein, sodass nicht jede Art von Warenlager hier Platz gefunden hätte. Passgenau nach den Anforderungen der Apotheke – wegen der kleinen Grundfläche vor allem in die Höhe – gebaut, fügt sich der Automat heute perfekt und gut zugänglich in das Ladenbaukonzept ein. Grund dafür ist die Möglichkeit, beim A1000e sämtliche Module individuell anzupassen: Länge und Höhe, Einlagerung sowie die Anzahl und Positionen der Ausgaben und des Servicezugangs.

«I was impressed by the collaboration with the ApoStore team from the start. The small footprint of the Stifts-Apotheke presented us with a huge challenge, for which ApoStore found the ideal solution in record time. My team and I were involved in every decision, no matter how small, and kept up to date. »
Sandra Haas, owner of Stifts-Apotheke Minden

Inventory overview at the touch of a button

According to Sandra Haas, the time savings are a major advantage, as a significant portion of the working time in pharmacies is spent checking inventory. For example, the warehouse must be regularly checked for expired products and fast- and slow-moving items. The introduction of the ApoStore made this process much easier for the Stifts-Apotheke: thanks to the dash! software and an intuitive interface, the machine shows which products are about to expire and which have been sold particularly frequently or particularly rarely in recent months.

«Wir müssen die entsprechenden Packungen nicht mehr selbst zeitaufwändig aus den Schubladen heraussuchen, sondern können uns retournierfähige Ware schnell und einfach per Knopfdruck ausgeben lassen. Das spart enorm viel Zeit.»
Sandra Haas, owner of Stifts-Apotheke Minden

Double storage increases efficiency

  The possibility of double storage also reinforced Sandra Haas and her team's decision to use the A1000e: As soon as the first load of goods is placed in the machine and the roller shutter is closed, the machine immediately stores the products, making them immediately available again. The second load can be stored manually at the same time. This also saves space and time.  


Additional consultation room and larger pharmacy

Thanks to the flexibility of the ApoStore A1000e and the precise design, the employees at the Stifts-Apotheke have gained a lot of space. "The fact that we no longer need drawer columns is a huge space saver. Since the introduction of the ApoStore, we have had an additional consultation room and a larger pharmacy," says Haas. This benefits the customers on the one hand and creates a pleasant working environment for the employees on the other.

Want to discuss your project without obligation?

Our machines are individually tailored to your pharmacy situation in terms of size, installation position, range of functions, extensions and performance - so the interaction of a wide variety of factors plays a particularly important role. There is therefore no simple formula for determining when and whether a picker is worthwhile for your pharmacy. Our consultants will examine all other aspects in dialogue with you and analyse what opportunities warehouse automation can offer you.